Let risksafe carry out your internal audits and save resources and time
If you operate a certified management system, internal audits must be carried out regularly. These audits can be carried out by the company’s own auditors or by external auditors.
Internal auditors from within the company have the advantage that they know the company and its procedures and processes well, but have the disadvantage that their qualifications are difficult to obtain and maintain, they are sometimes not really independent of the area to be audited and there is often a certain “operational blindness”.

Advantages of outsourcing internal audits
Our offer
Simply outsource your internal audits!
With our lead auditors who have many years of experience, we are the ideal partner for carrying out your internal audits.
In which areas/standards can we support you?
Procedure of an internal audit (according to ISO 19011)
Contact us at any time if you have any questions about outsourcing your internal audits!
With our lead auditors who have many years of experience, we are the ideal partner for carrying out your internal audits.