What is an EHS due diligence audit?

Environmental and Health and Safety (EHS) Due Diligence Audits (EDDA) are an essential measure in the course of Merger & Acquisition (M&A) processes and also in divestment or closure processes in order to identify current and historical EHS problems and future risks. Hidden risks in particular, such as contaminated sites, toxic materials in building materials or long-term health risks for employees, can represent a considerable investment risk for investors. But EDDAs are also becoming increasingly important as sustainability and ESG criteria in the supply chain grow in importance.

Steps of a due diligence audit

  • Preparatory steps for the analysis (research in public sources, information requests, analysis of relevant company documents)
  • Site audit (inspection and examination of all relevant areas and documents as well as interviews with those responsible)
  • Checking compliance with legal standards and identifying and assessing risks
  • Preparation of the audit report with a list and assessment of the risks, estimation of costs and suggestions for further action
  • If appropriate, this can be followed by a detailed investigation of detailed risks such as soil and groundwater investigations

Our offer

With our many years of audit and legal compliance experience in the EHS sector, we are happy to take on your EHS due diligence audit. If international locations are also affected, we involve local experts in the EDDA in order to take local conditions and regulations into account. In the case of a general location due diligence, we are happy to work together with other contractors.

Your advantages

  • An EHS due diligence audit gives you a complete insight into all EHS risks as a basis for an acquisition or divestment.
  • Our experts are familiar with all relevant environmental and occupational health and safety risks and can assess them fully and competently so that investors and sellers can avoid hidden investment risks.
  • Thanks to our qualification as an engineering office, we have all the authorizations required to handle EHS due diligence audits in full.
  • We have many years of experience in dealing with the authorities, which facilitates any necessary clarifications with the authorities.

If required, we also include the following aspects in the audit:

  • Analysis and assessment of risks due to expected legal changes

  • Organizational liability risks due to weaknesses in operational legal management or court-proof organization