Optimize your management systems by integrating them

The management system standards ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001 and ISO 50001 are often set up separately from each other and are each regulated and operated in isolation.

The identical basic structure of these standards (“high level structure”) means that they can be structured in an integrated manner.

By combining the systems in this way, a lot of duplication of effort can be avoided.As the various management systems are not usually set up at the same time, the requirements of the respective standard must be incorporated into the existing regulations.

High Level Structure

High Level Structure

Our offer

We support you in the integrated implementation of your management systems.

With more than 20 years of experience in setting up and auditing management systems, we can provide you with the perfect support.

Key similarities between ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001 and ISO 45001:

  • Definition of the scope of application of the management system
  • Definition and regular review of the policy
  • Identification of and compliance with the relevant legal provisions
  • Regular definition, tracking and review of targets
  • Determining the context of the organization
  • Determining the requirements and expectations of interested parties
  • Determination of risks and opportunities
  • Continuous improvement
  • Definition of the organizational and operational structure
  • Creation of written instructions for relevant processes
  • Control of documents and records
  • Planning and provision of resources
  • Training and promoting employee awareness
  • Internal and external communication
  • Definition of procurement criteria
  • Monitoring and measurement
  • Corrective and preventive measures
  • Implementation of regular internal audits
  • Carrying out regular management reviews

Benefits/savings through an integrated management system (IMS):

  • Cost savings through systems not operated individually in parallel

  • Only one system documentation, which reduces the documentation effort
  • Joint internal audits, management reviews, training courses, etc.
  • Fewer personnel resources as fewer “system administrators” are required
  • Lower certification costs, as an integrated system can be audited in less time
  • An overall system, which means that a “less important system” cannot be rejected so easily


We are happy to support you with the integrated implementation of your management systems.

With more than 20 years of experience in setting up and auditing management systems, we are the perfect partner for you.

Other management systems that we can support you in setting up

ISO 37301 – Compliance management systems

ISO 37301 is an international standard that specifies requirements for compliance management systems (CMS). It replaced the non-certifiable ISO 19600 in 2021. ISO 37301 defines requirements for the establishment, development, implementation, evaluation, maintenance and improvement of an effective compliance management system within an organization. In terms of content, the new ISO 37301 hardly differs from the previous requirements of ISO 19600. Only minor editorial improvements have been made.

ISO 37301 follows the same structure as ISO 9001, ISO 14001 or ISO 45001 and therefore makes it possible to integrate all management systems. The requirements of ISO 37301 are about an effective system for complying with the legal and compliance requirements applicable to an organization. To this end, the relevant requirements must be determined, compliance with them must be ensured by means of a regulated organizational structure and process organization, and the relevant system must be continuously improved.

An implemented or certified CMS offers the following advantages, among others:

  • Legal certainty and liability minimization for managers (lower probability of legal and compliance violations and proof of the required duty of care in the event of legal proceedings)
  • Greater trust from business partners, employees, authorities and other stakeholders
  • Better chances in tenders
  • Good basis for fulfilling the obligations arising from the German Supply Chain Duty of Care Act and the EU Supply Chain Directive (CSDDD)

ISO 26000 and ONR 192500

  • ISO 26000 – Guidelines for social responsibility (CSR)
  • ONR 192500 – Social responsibility of organizations (CSR)

The two standards ISO 26000 and ONR 192500 define requirements for social and societal responsibility in companies. Both standards can also be incorporated into an integrated management system.

While ISO 26000 is a non-certifiable standard, it is possible to be certified in accordance with ONR 192500.

EFB – Specialist waste management company

An EFB certification can be obtained by any company that disposes of, removes, treats or recycles waste and represents proof of reputable waste treatment and disposal. The rules for obtaining a certificate as a specialist waste management company are published by the Association for the Award of a Specialist Waste Management Company (V-EFB). The requirements for an EFB are defined in the EFB checklist. The relevant documents and the certified companies can be found on the V-EFB website. EFB certification has become the standard in the waste industry. It is usually required as a mandatory criterion in public tenders in particular.

Essential EFB requirements:

  • Company organization
  • Staffing
  • Operating diary
  • Insurance cover
  • Volume flow balance
  • Commissioning of third parties
  • Reliability of the company owner
  • Reliability of the persons responsible
  • Training and further education of responsible persons
  • Proof of integrity

Our offer

We support you in the implementation of various management systems or their integration into existing management systems in your company.

Our more than 20 years of experience in setting up and auditing management systems enables us to precisely identify your requirements and adapt your management system to your individual needs.

Integration of other materials into a management system

An integrated management system does not always have to be about certified standards. In addition to the various standard requirements, it is generally very expedient to integrate other matters/obligations of the company into the management system. As a result, such obligations are also systematically regulated and managed and thus virtually raised to a higher level.
Examples include the requirements of the EU Supply Chain Directive, risk management, marketing processes and financial management.